Refresh Your Kitchen Space.

Refresh Your Kitchen Space.

Refresh Your Kitchen Space. A simple Pinterest search for kitchens will give you an array of gorgeously laid out and perfectly defined kitchens, which possibly make you a little jealous. Why is it that everyone else’s kitchen looks so glam, and yours doesn’t, you may...
The Importance of a Good Building Contractor.

The Importance of a Good Building Contractor.

The Importance of a Good Building Contractor. If you are building a new home, there is a vast amount of things to think about and costs to prepare for, but the biggest of these is a building contractor. You can’t just look at any building contractor, you need to...
How to Get Your Guest Bedroom Mother-In-Law Ready

How to Get Your Guest Bedroom Mother-In-Law Ready

With mother’s day around the corner, you’re probably already mentally preparing yourself for her arrival. Whether it will be a happy addition to your home or one that you’re dreading, we’ve got a few tricks up our sleeve that we’d love to share with you. Tip 1:...
Home Decorating Trends for 2017

Home Decorating Trends for 2017

  As Upper Highway Painting Contractors we know the value of staying up-to-date with the latest trends. This does not just apply to paint but also to interior decorating as well. From offices to homes, there has been a shift this year in the way your space should...