Refresh Your Kitchen Space. A simple Pinterest search for kitchens will give you an array of gorgeously laid out and perfectly defined kitchens, which possibly make you a little jealous. Why is it that everyone else’s kitchen looks so glam, and yours doesn’t, you may...
The Importance of a Good Building Contractor. If you are building a new home, there is a vast amount of things to think about and costs to prepare for, but the biggest of these is a building contractor. You can’t just look at any building contractor, you need to...
With mother’s day around the corner, you’re probably already mentally preparing yourself for her arrival. Whether it will be a happy addition to your home or one that you’re dreading, we’ve got a few tricks up our sleeve that we’d love to share with you. Tip 1:...
You’ve decided now is the time to take the plunge and have your home or office repainted. Should you already have an Upper Highway Painting Contractor in mind, but haven’t made your final decision yet, then be sure to read our previous blog to find out what you need...
As Upper Highway Painting Contractors we know the value of staying up-to-date with the latest trends. This does not just apply to paint but also to interior decorating as well. From offices to homes, there has been a shift this year in the way your space should...